

Headoffice in Katajanokka


Our office is located in Katajanokka, Helsinki. The address is Linnankatu 3.

Please come visit our library or request a personal code for our free gym. 

Open Monday to Thursday 9-11 and 12-14. Closed on Fridays.

Linnankatu 3, 00160 Helsinki


Office in Turku


We are located together with The Finnish Seamen’s Mission at

Rahtarikuja 2, 20210 Turku.


Seafarers' Center in Vuosaari harbour


The Seafarer's Center is located in the vicinity of the Vuosaari harbour. The center's facilities are shared with the Finnish Seamen's Mission (FSM).

Helsinki Seafarers' Center
Provianttikatu 4, 00980 Helsinki