Mercy Ships Race in Helsinki

08.06.2021 klo 19:59
A charity event at Helsinki Seafarers' Centre.

On Tuesday the 8th a charity event was arranged at Helsinki Seafarers' Centre where funds were raised for the Mercy Ships -organization.

About 30 people from different seafarers associations gathered on a sunny afternoon at the Seafarers' Centre, where Ialina Buckbee from the Finnish Seamen's Service instructed a warm up for the upcoming running event.

Each participant ran or walked either a 5 or a 10 kilometer course, after which everyone got to enjoy some food grilled by the chefs from Viking Line, Timo and Make.

The Mercy Ships Run is usually arranged in Mariehamn in combination with Aaland Maritime Day, but plans changed this year because of the coronavirus pandemic.

Thank you to all the participants!

More pictures


The event in Helsinki was arranged by Finnish Seamen's Service, Finnish Seamen's Mission and Seafarers' Pension Fund in cooperation with Ålands Sjöfart rf.


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